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The idea for My Canopy Hammock came to mind when my daughter was 3 years old. I was a busy mom who worked full-time, planned all of her birthday celebrations, decorated cakes and I enjoyed sewing. My daughter had so many stuffed animals scattered all over her bedroom and piled on her bed. I was on stuffed animal overload and I had to come up with a way to contain the madness. Also, I wanted to make it convenient for her to access the stuffed animals since she always enjoyed sleeping with a few.

She had a canopy bed so I purchased netting material and made a rectangular hammock that was hung from the canopy bed frame. The hammock was hung at the end of the bed at a comfortable height that she was able to access. This allowed her to get a favorite stuffed animal or two….or three….before going to sleep. Then in the morning she’d put the stuffed animal(s) back in the hammock which allowed me to make the bed without stuffed animal obstacles. A win – win for both of us!!!

As she grew, I added DIYs to the hammock depending on her likings and interest. For all creative photos and the instructions, please visit the ‘Gallery’ tab.

My daughter left for college a year ago. However, My Canopy Hammock still is hanging in her room with all of the squishmallows snuggling together awaiting her visits.

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The Castle
Unit 345
2500 Castle Dr
Manhattan, NY

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